June 3rd, Helen Patton and I giving our WWI and WWII presentation in Sainteny, France. Helen held and waved her Grandfather's riding crop as she told his stories from both wars. Photo by Keaton Port-Gaarn

June 3rd, Helen Patton singing "Comrades" to D-Day Veteran, Jack Port, at the Major Richard O'Malley Memorial, Sainteny, France. Jack was with Major O'Malley when he was killed by a sniper and thus Helen's tribute.

June 6th, D-Day, View looking West from Pointe du Hoc.

Pointe du Hoc D-Day Ceremony at the Ranger Memorial.

The eight D-Day Veterans at the Pointe du Hoc Ceremony.

The afternoon D-Day Ceremony at Utah Beach.

June 10 - Jack Port and I at Utah Beach in front of Stephen Spear's monument to the U. S. Navy's vital roll in the success of D-Day.

June 10 - American Normandy Cemetery - Jack Port's great friend, YPO Vauclair from Caen, France helps Jack fold the flag at the end of the day.

June 10 - American Normandy Cemetery - After folding the flag the two friends stood side-by-side. YPO was ten years old when the Americans liberated his town of Saint Lo.
YPO's gratitude, love, and affection for America and to his friend Jack are beyond measure.